Hip - Hop
Freestyle Fun Sports Urban Choreography
Hip-hop dance is a broad category with many styles. The first styles from the 70s were toprock, uprock, breaking and funk styles. Breaking originated in the Bronx, New York, and is made up of dances popular in the Afro and Latino communities.
To take part in this class, you need to bring lightweight but comfortable sportswear, as well as trainers or tennis shoes that are only used for the class and in the indoor area, so that they stay clean.

Adult Hip-Hop All Levels
Before becoming a dancer, Serge Richon had been practicing Thai boxing for years, which made him double world champion in Thai boxing from 2000 to 2002.
In 1998 he won the television program Graine de Star, presented by Laurent Boyer. Serge trained in dance in Europe and the United States.
His travels have given him the opportunity to meet some of the world’s leading dancers, including Skeeter Rabbit, Junior Boogaloo, Popping Pete, Whalid, Bryan Green and Calef. He has twice won the Swiss championship.
Winner of Total Session 7 in Boston and Los Angeles etc. Serge’s style is based on popping and boogaloo, but he also practices hip-hop and house dance…..

*Hip-Hop Kids 7 / 9 years Beginner *Hip-Hop Kids 9 / 12 years All Levels
As a young dancer, Luna is 17 years old. Since childhood, she has been passionate about urban dance, more specifically house and hip-hop. Starting classes at the age of 9 with Perla Perlson, she has continued to develop her freestyle with her training (Fighting Spirit) and also thanks to her years of experience in gymnastics.
In 2017, Luna took part in her first battle and won the title of Swiss champion at IDO. She also took part in other battles abroad (Italy, France). A couple of years later, she joined the Viz-O dance group and danced for a number of major events, including Red Bull (Sound clash Danitsa/Di-Meh), Tcs, and so many others.

Kaneki Ace aka Jamie
Jamie Kallon, better known as Jamie or Kaneki Ace in the artistic world, is a professional dancer originally from the US. Growing up in the United States, he was immersed in hip-hop culture and music at an early age. A lover of dance, he was inspired by clips from Michael Jackson, Omarion and other artists. He moved to Switzerland in 2001, at the age of 6.
In September 2013, he took part in his first self-taught dance battle. Despite a good level, he quickly realised that he lacked certain skills. So that same year, he decided to train at Urban Team in Hip-Hop and House dance with international dancer Perla Perlson (Wanted Posse). Motivated by his goals of gaining access to the most prestigious freestyle stages in the world, Jamie has set himself a programme of intensive training, which he follows rigorously…
CHF 90
Adults Advanced Beginners Children All levels
Urban Team
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