Break Dance
Freestyle Fun Sports Urban Choreography
Breakdance is a dance form derived from hip-hop culture that incorporates complex body movements, coordination, style and aesthetics. They’re called B-boys and B-girls. In this class, we’ll be working on some of the basics, including TopRock, Footworks, Freezes and Powermoves.
To take part in this class, you need to bring lightweight but comfortable sportswear, as well as trainers or tennis shoes that are only used for the class and in the indoor area, so that they stay clean.

Pierre Bleriot aka Punisher
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Coming from Bonneville (France), Pierre Bleriot A.K.A Bboy Punisher started Break-Dance in 2000 alongside his brother Damien (bboy Demon).
During his early years he took part in a series of battles with the group Hors Normes. After a few years he joined another group (Alliance) with whom he toured the world and won numerous international competitions.
After competing for 10 years, he built up an international reputation, renowned for his extreme level of powermoves and, in particular, for being the very first person to perform moves such as the one-armed twirl, and appearing in the Guinness Book of Records for having set the world record in 99 (a trick consisting of spinning on one arm while balancing). He was also renowned for his sequences and his cleanliness, and was contacted by one of the most prestigious groups in the world, the Flyingsteps (a German group). Joining the group in 2012, he will continue to tour the globe, but this time on the theatrical stage, where the show is called Red-Bull Flying Bach. The show is a worldwide success, winning them an award for it, and he is still touring with the Flyingsteps………Read more
CHF 90
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